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Groovy AI Agent

Groovy AI Agent

The AI agent in Groovy brings a human-like interaction with users. The AI agent is fully animated, has perfect facial expressions, and moves its mouth when communicating, which is fully synchronized with the speech the AI agent speaks. Thus, it brings a kind of emotional expression to the communication.

In other words, when interacting socially with humanoids, humans can perceive and react as if they were communicating with humans, and exhibit brain activity in areas related to emotions and interpersonal experiences.

Lite AI Agent

The Lite version lacks this full animation, so the user experience is not as strong. But even in the Lite version, the AI Agent moves its head and blinks, so there's still an element of some personification. Additionally, even in the Lite version, you can interact with the AI Agent with your voice, and the Agent can also respond to users with its voice.

Lite AI Agent

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